Hello Everybody,
As usual we’ll start with a comment about the weather. Oh dear, it’s cold and that’s quite enough about that.
We had a wonderful Coronation Celebration and raised £130 to share between Lincs & Notts Air Ambulance and St Barnabas Hospice. It was good to see lots of flags and bunting in the village and what a good turn-out for the event.
There were 67 players at the May quiz which raised £134 plus a £1 donation and the fourth-placed team kindly donated their prize money of £10 giving a grand total of £145 which has been sent and received by Lincs & Notts Air Ambulance.
The 1-2-1 question was “In the film Butch Cassidy & The Sundance Kid the main male stars were Paul Newman and Robert Redford, playing Butch and Sundance but who played the main female character Etta Place?” The answer was Katharine Ross but unfortunately the contestant gave the wrong answer and, as we kept May’s prize pot at £260 due to the confusion surrounding April’s question and answer, the prize for June will be £280.
The next quiz will take place on 27th June and we will start at the earlier time of 7.45pm to allow everyone to get settled and ready to go on time. Hopefully this will mean we can finish the quiz a little earlier in the evening. Quiz basket meals are served from 5pm and are £6.50 each. As always please book your tables and if you find closer to the date that you can no longer attend please do let us know.
As many of you will know The Horseshoes hosted Geraldine Thompson’s Art Exhibition between 11th and 14th May which was really successful and enjoyed by all who attended and through donations and 10% of picture sales Gerry raised £190.98 for St Barnabas Hospice.
We’re pleased to say we have extended our food service time on Wednesday & Thursday to finish at 8pm.
We’re also continuing to serve our Basket Meals & Light Bites on Sundays between 12 and 4pm. No booking is necessary.
Also, we have extended our Senior Specials to include Fridays so they are now available on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday from 12pm to 3pm.
From today we have Batemans Special Bitter ABV 5% at £4.50 per pint and once that has gone Batemans XXXB will return to the pump along with Timothy Taylor Landlord, Doom Bar, Guinness, Birra Moretti and the others.
On Saturday July 8th we will hold our 10th Re-Opening Anniversary BBQ. The pub will open at 12pm and food will be served between 3pm and 8pm.
The Horseshoes has always taken pleasure in raising money for local charities and so on this very special occasion I intend to donate ticket sales and bar takings to the following four charities:
Lincs & Notts Air Ambulance, St Barnabas Hospice, St Denis’ Church, Silk Willoughby and Silk Willoughby Village Hall.
Also at the event there will be a selection of photographs on display showing the pub before and after renovations and during the works. From next week when you come to the pub you’ll find a huge whiskey bottle full of bottle tops. For £1 a go you can guess how many bottle tops the bottle contains and the closest guess will win a 3 course meal for 2 at The Horseshoes with a bottle of wine. All proceeds will of course go to the charities chosen for this event.
Tickets will be £7.50 and will include a complimentary glass of prosecco on arrival as well as the BBQ food. Tickets go on sale tomorrow, just ask at the bar.
Kindest Regards,
Paul Steer, Landlord/ Owner
Louise Nelson, Manager