A month has gone by since our last message. The country, the world, is still in this very sad situation caused by the Coronavirus.
As we said in our April message we are trying to gauge the time when we can reopen the pub. The governement has said that pubs can reopen 4th July providing they meet certain criteria. As far as The Horseshoes is concerned this will not happen.
The very earliest we can see ourselves opening is 11th September and we feel that could well turn out to be optimistic.
What the governement require for pubs to put in place before they can open is virtually impossible to manage. You have only to look at the 2 metre social distancing rule which will be one of the conditions required. Imagine, a 2 metre social distance in a pub, think about it… and that is only one of the conditions required. We could be looking at December/ January 2021 before we can start pulling pints. This is a possibility.
All we can say at the moment is that we are desperate to open on 11th September or as soon as possible afterwards.
We look forward to seeing everybody then. In the meantime keep safe and well.